Android Apps Increase Size as Market Changes to 'Google Play'

All on the day of the great "iPad HD" reveal, who would have guessed

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Android Apps Increase Size as Market Changes to 'Google Play'
So, on the day that Apple is set to announce the iPad 3 (or 'iPad HD') and possibly Apple iTVee or AppleTV 3, Google renames 'Android Market' to 'Google Play' and ups the size of Android apps.

According to Develop, "Google has extended the maximum size limit for Android apps up 8,000 per cent from 50mb to 4Gb." The reason for this is to "to accommodate high-quality 3D interactive games that require more resources than typical apps."

Also noted is that "APK files will still be limited to 50mb, but up to two expansion files can be attached, with a limit of 2gb each. All files would be hosted by the Android Market."

But wait! Did we just say, "Android Market"? Wrong apparently.

MCV reports that, "A new consolidated media hub called Google Play has replaced the search engine giant’s Android Marketplace service." The new hub, "combines several other entertainment services into its online network, such as books, music and movies. The service is elementally Google’s fully-branded alternative to iTunes, accessible to most existing Android devices."




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