New PS2 Storage Medium?

Alternative to HDD suggested.

Posted by Staff
Kaz Hirai, President of SCEA, has suggested that Sony is considering an alternative storage medium (other than the HDD) for the PS2. Whether or not this is due to anticipated problems with the hard drive is unknown, although Microsoft was certainly aggrieved by the way in which the Xbox’s hard drive was manipulated by software pirates.

Whatever this alternative might be, Hirai was keen to demonstrate that Sony has been taking notice of user feedback. He cited the way in which regular gamers might be able to trade their in-game upgrades with other players. The prospect of excessively wealthy people purchasing uber-modded Gran Turismo vehicles from ‘professional’ layabouts is fascinating. Could playing videogames really contribute to job-creation and the redistribution of wealth?

Assuming that this ‘upgrade trade’ isn’t restricted to leafing through Exchange & Mart or browsing Ebay (where GC memory cards containing Animal Crossing data can be purchased) this points towards some kind of communal server where players could ‘dump’ the content of their memory cards for retrieval at a later date, by the player or their ‘customers’.

At this point we can only speculate, but if SCEA goes ahead with this idea, we’ll let you know.


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