THQ Registers Web Domains for Saints Row 4, 1666 Project

But what is 1666?

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THQ Registers Web Domains for Saints Row 4, 1666 Project
Don't go sounding the death toll for THQ's 2014 release schedule just yet! The publisher appears to have registered new website domains for the next Saints Row title, along with a mysterious '1666' project that was first unearthed in trademark applications back in March.

EnterThe and are the registered domains that, obviously, point to a new Saints Row project. Remember that Enter the Dominatrix was once a Saints Row 3 expansion pack, but has now been incorporated into Saints Row 4.

Superannuation, the internet super-sleuth that noticed the domain registrations, also pointed out the THQ had registered and He throws up a lot of speculative theory as to what the 1666 project could actually be - from the Great Fire of London to the Four Days Battle and even a re-incarnation of Guillermo Del Toro's InSane.

It's best to just stick to the fact right now, though. What we know is that THQ will certainly have a number of new titles to showcase over the next year or two. And that, given the company's recent troubles and rumours, is undoubtedly a good thing.


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