Save J-RPGs! Kickstarter Launched for Western Class of Heroes Release

Reincarnated Working Designs studio wants to breathe life into market.

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Save J-RPGs! Kickstarter Launched for Western Class of Heroes Release
A Kickstarter project has been launched to revive the Western J-RPG market. Localisation studio Gaijinworks, an outfit formed with key staff from the now defunct Working Designs, and international PSOne Classics saviour Monkey Paw Games have teamed up to try and bring PSP title Class of Heroes II to the US.

"Here is the chance to help grow the segment and prove that there is a market for great J-RPG games, regardless of the platform," reads the crowd-sourced project page. "The life of a J-RPG fan is not an easy one these days... Some games’ initial releases in the West have had their sequels languish in Japan, waiting for localization that will never come. Many others just never made it at all, condemned to obscurity.

"We know that this silenced J-RPG fanbase, under-served and forgotten, isn’t thrilled with where things are going. So, now’s the time to speak up and get our happy tomorrow." While Class of Heroes II is the test subject for the Kickstarter initiative, the company says that it has in fact licensed the entire series from Japanese developer Acquire Corp.

"Gaijinworks has been working closely with MonkeyPaw Games, laying the groundwork for licenses, expanding relationships with Japanese publishers, and setting up a structure that will allow us to test Kickstarter as a method to, well, kick start the US J-RPG market," continues the statement.

"Our Kickstarter project is designed to allow fans that plan to download it digitally to support the game now, helping it reach the funding threshold and expand the scope and depth of localization for BOTH the digital and physical releases."

A Deluxe Edition of the PSP game is promised to those who pledge over $59, which will include an apparent mountain of exclusive goodies and swag. A game download will also be available, which will work on PlayStation Vita.

You can view the Kickstarter project here.


Pepe 19 May 2012 21:26
Ones I've looked at getnitg:- Sython Filter: Logan's Shadow- Socom 2 or 3 FTB- Rainbow Six Vegas?- Ghost Recon?Apart from that I'm not sure, the Socom games seem very decent though!
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