PS4 Outselling Xbox One Despite Titanfall Success

Xbox/PC title still can't bring the Xbox One into contention Stateside.

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PS4 Outselling Xbox One Despite Titanfall Success
US retail stats compiler NPD has released info for the video games market in the region for April. Titanfall rules the software roost but simply hasn't helped to sell enough Xbox Ones, as the PS4 remains top of the hardware sales pile.

While NPD doesn't reveal actual hardware sales figures any longer, it has stated that the PS4 is the top selling console in April. Microsoft has stated that Xbox One sold 115,000 units in April, “outpacing Xbox 360 sales by 76 percent in the first six months on the market." Xbox 360 nevertheless still sold Xbox 360 71,000 units in April. reports that overall, "US retail did decline 10 percent to $227.9 million for the month, according to the just released NPD report. Total industry sales climbed 17 percent to $580.3 million, in large part thanks to the continued momentum of next-gen hardware - hardware sales jumped 76 percent to $192.8 million while accessories also increased 21 percent to $159.7 million."

NPD analyst Liam Callahan told the markets that, "Life to date, sales of PS4 and Xbox One hardware have more than doubled the combined sales of PS3 and 360 hardware through their first six months of sales."

"PS4 software combined with Xbox One software sales are up over 40 percent compared to sales of the PS3 and Xbox 360 through their first six months. Wii U software sales were up over last year by over 80 percent," he continued.

In terms of games sales, NPD analyst Liam Callahan told the markets that, “PS4 software combined with Xbox One software sales are up over 40% compared to sales of the PS3 and Xbox 360 through their first six months. Wii U software sales were up over last year by over 80%.”



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