Xbox to play DVD movies

Industry-leading Cinemaster software to power Xbox DVD playback

Posted by Staff
Digital Versatile Disk is the way of the future. Admittedly, it is not recordable today but that situation is changing. DVDs are amazing because of the shear amount of data they can hold. A double-sided, double density DVD can hold as much audio information as 36 normal CDs. This gigantic storage capacity is ideal for computer games and films. If you have watched a film on DVD you will know how sharp and clear the picture and sound is, ultimately enhancing the enjoyment and appreciation of DVD films.

Sony made the right decision to include DVD functionality out of the box. This move meant that PlayStation 2 owners are able to watch films as well as being able to play all of the latest next-generation software. Sony has had their fair share of problems with DVD playback including output problems and region encoding but the idea to use DVD as a medium is sound. Nintendo has also chosen DVD as their medium but are opting for a proprietary miniature standard that will not be compatible with films. You will be pleased to know that Microsoft has chosen to use DVD as well and it will offer the best playback of films of any of the next-generation machines.

Ravisent are the company that is bringing DVD de-coding software to the Xbox. Industry analysts agree that Ravisent’s CineMaster software is the best on the market. Ravisent and Microsoft have entered into a five year contact and that is a good sign of faith from both companies.

"CineMaster is the ideal software solution for the X-box, providing the best DVD viewing experience available in the market today," said Todd Holmdahl, General Manager of X-box Hardware.

What this means is that we can look forward to exceptional DVD functionality from the X-box. If you haven’t purchased a dedicated DVD player yet, you might be best off waiting until the X-box is released early next year.


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