Clear Xbox? With 20GB hard drive? What is going on...?

Fake or fact? Another hardware image hits the web...

Posted by Staff
Clear Xbox? With 20GB hard drive? What is going on...?
Various reports and images are circulating the Internet this morning, pointing towards a new and improved hardware set for Microsoft’s Xbox console.

According to entirely unsubstantiated gossip, the new machine, carrying the name Xbox Limited Edition Crystal, is a see-through Xbox complete with a 20GB hard disk.

When contacted this morning, Microsoft simply stated, “It's all just a rumour, we haven't made any announcements on this.”

We’ll bring you clarification on the situation as soon as possible.


scanman 29 Jan 2004 13:11
When anything is discussed without official confirmation, it's rumour. Doesn't mean it's not true though. The spokesman said "we haven't made an announcement on this" and not "this is hoax".

That image looks 100% legit - creating a quality clear case like that would be prohibitively expensive for a hoaxer, and it's too damn good for a homebrew 3D render.

Looks like another push my MS to get their foot in a few more consumer's door.

Anyone know where I can buy Microsoft Corn Flakes?
SPInGSPOnG 30 Jan 2004 10:48

>Looks like another push my MS to get their foot
>in a few more consumer's door.

And a knee-jerk response to Sony's Silver PS2.
more comments below our sponsor's message
auzdafluff 30 Jan 2004 13:56
Rod Todd wrote:

>>Looks like another push my MS to get their foot
>>in a few more consumer's door.
>And a knee-jerk response to Sony's Silver PS2.

Nah... its for the european anniversary... that and Euro peeps are getting mightly p***ed off at Japan getting exclusive limited edition consoles all the time, i might just trade in my launch xbox and part exchange it for one of the nice new crystal ones
DoctorDee 30 Jan 2004 16:30

>all the time, i might just trade in my launch
>xbox and part exchange it for one of the nice new
>crystal ones

Nah, that's what it's for. If they can't persuade anyone else to buy the big black suitcase, they'll persuade the folk who've already got one to buy another.
monument 2 Feb 2004 18:15
“unsubstantiated gossip”

Err, it looks as if someone was wrong.
sue_raas 4 Feb 2004 17:49
monument wrote:

>“unsubstantiated gossip”
>Err, it looks as if someone was wrong.

Not wrong - it's all clear now -

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