Hideo Kojima threatens to take his ball home again

Balloon-headed madness rides again.

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Hideo Kojima threatens to take his ball home again
Speaking at the PlayStation Experience last week, acclaimed Konami producer and Metal Gear Solid creator Hideo Kojima said that Metal Gear Solid 3 will be his last game in the series. The world was shocked. Or was it?

Indeed, Kojima made such spurious comments during the pre-launch hype of Sons of Liberty two years ago.

As pointed out by Kikizo, when he was asked about the possibility of a sequel Kojima said, “If MGS3 happened, I would work more as a producer like Sakaguchi-san works on the Final Fantasy games, and let a younger, new director take on the main creative duties. If that happens, it'll be MGS3, but it won't be a 'Kojima' Metal Gear... It will work more as the vision of someone else. Personally speaking, I would like to work on something else.”

So is MGS3 a Kojima game? It certainly seemed so last week. And will it be the last from the great man in the series? Judging by this, we very much doubt it.


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