The Xbox One Day One Edition is Available Again at GAME

GAME has magicked up new stock

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The Xbox One Day One Edition is Available Again at GAME
Aaaaand... it's back. No sooner than GAME announced that it wasn't taking any more pre-orders on the Xbox One Day One Edition, it has said that it's taking orders for it again.

The UK retailer said it had stopped taking orders for the bundle on August 25th. Now, however, its website tells us: "...we’ve done some number wrangling and are happy to say we still have a limited number of preorder consoles we can offer. We’ve even re-added the bundles we had on offer."

The Day One Edition features a commemorative controller and an exclusive achievement.

Some GAME stores have tweeted that the remaining Day One Edition pre-orders are so limited that they're only available for today.


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