Ouya Console Wake Up Some - Announces Software Developer Kit Coming 'Soon'

Given that pre-orders were announced in August that's interesting

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Biggest can of Coke evaaaa!
Biggest can of Coke evaaaa!
The Kickstarted games console running Android - Ouya - which some people thought could be a little on the shady side - has announced much news including that its Software Development Kit (SDK). As we say above in the SEO bit, "Given that pre-orders were announced in August that's interesting."

The console, which raised millions using Kickstarter before announcing a partnership with cloud gaming set-up OnLive before that went down in flames having itself raised $40million, is to run independently of Sony, Microsoft or Nintendo and will use Android Jellybean as an OS.

Company head Julie Uhrman says, Ouya "will run on Android Jelly Bean, the newest version of the Android operating system. We’re making the jump from the old version, Ice Cream Sandwich, to ensure that we’re running on the most up-to-date software available. You asked if it could be done, we looked into it, and we made it happen."

In the same post she points out that, "Last week was a huge milestone for us — we received our first development run of PCBs (Printed Circuit Boards) for the console", which is encouraging if you've got money invested and wanted to see actual hardware.

Also of interest to investors is this:

"If you’re a game developer and you want to start making games for OUYA, our OUYA Software Developer Kit (ODK) is coming soon, but in the meantime, there’s a lot you can do to get started. We’ve posted some information for developers that should help you prepare for the launch of your new game or app on OUYA.

"If you missed the Kickstarter drive, but you’re still interested in an early version of the console that you can use as a Dev Kit, you’re in luck. We’re making a few extra. Please visit www.ouya.tv in the near future and order one (we’ll let you know when it’s available). Of course, they won’t carry the same rewards as the Kickstarter Dev Kits, but you will receive a console, two controllers and early access to test your game on OUYA! These units will start shipping in the new year. Note that these kits will not include the final console user interface or any games, they’re purely for game developers who want to test their games on real OUYA hardware."

Source: Ouya


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