Microsoft and Train2Game Gun for Game Jam Record

Students gather for gaming greatness

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Microsoft and Train2Game Gun for Game Jam Record
Microsoft and games development training service Train2Game have announced that they're aiming to set the record for the largest game jam held in a single location.

The attempt will take place at the University of Bedfordshire in September, running from the 14th to the 16th. The organisations are aiming for 301 participants, drawn from Train2Game courses, with The Guinness Book of World Records adjudicating the event.

The aim will be to create Metro-style games in under 48 hours.

Students will be working with Windows 8, with Microsoft devs on hand to advise. Games that are up to scratch will be put out through the Windows Store, with industry judges picking a best in show.

Maybe this could bring us the next You Are the Road...


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