Ouya Video Game Console Funding Gets Messy

Conflicting statements from website-less firm

Posted by
Julie Uhrman
Julie Uhrman
Excitement over the Ouya games console project that has so far raised $4,956,959 via Kickstarter - and still has some 22 days remaining on that funding medium - is being tempered today as conflicting statements from its figurehead Julie Uhrman are reported across the games press.

On the one hand, Uhrman told Develop, “We’re looking for additional funds of money but more importantly we wanted to take it to Kickstarter regardless. Because Kickstarter will give us the support we need from the gamers and developers to get additional content on the devices and bring additional partners to us."

Yet on the other, she tells Eurogamer:

""Let me be clear, OUYA is not seeking additional funding outside of Kickstarter. Our priority now is to continue to focus on building a great game console while engaging in our ongoing Kickstarter campaign.

"Our intent in going to Kickstarter was to raise money that would take us from functional prototype to product on the market."

This is then exacerbated by the statements, "We do not intend to engage in any conversations related to funding while we are on Kickstarter. And, it's not like we are going to start speed dialing VCs as soon as the Kickstarter campaign ends.

"Unfortunately, I think this rumour sprung from a misunderstood answer during an interview and we are trying to contact the reporter to clarify."

We do, however, have the start of a schedule as Uhrman states, "Once our Kickstarter campaign closes funding our priority will be getting OUYA to market, and delivering the best game experience possible. Fundraising will not be top of the list."

One good start to instil confidence would be for the company's website (ouya.tv) not simply redirect to the Kickstarter project page.


Major Anon 17 Jul 2012 09:56
A true Derp face if there ever was one.
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