Newsweek puts Kojima amongst the seven most influential people in the US

No, really!

Posted by Staff
Newsweek puts Kojima amongst the seven most influential people in the US
In an uncharacteristically rabid piece, US media journal Newsweek has placed Hideo Kojima, the famed but secretive and reclusive creator of the Metal Gear Solid series, as one of the seven most influential people in the United States.

This quote from Newsweek editors By N’Gai Croal and Kay Itoi

“If Hideo Kojima were a novelist, he would be Jonathan Franzen. If he were a television producer, he’d be David Chase. And if he were a filmmaker, he would be Peter Jackson. Kojima once dreamed of doing all those things, but he became a videogame designer instead. Which means you’ve probably never heard of him, despite the fact that his most recent creation was as eagerly anticipated among gamers as The Corrections, season three of The Sopranos or the first installment of The Lord of the Rings was among regular folk. When Kojima unveiled a nine-minute trailer of the game-an unexpectedly timely counter-terrorist adventure set in New York City-for the videogame press last year, the film-like visuals prompted stunned silence, audible gasps and finally a standing ovation.”


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