LucasArts Confirms Star Wars Game Reveal at E3

Announcement Thursday, gameplay footage next week.

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LucasArts Confirms Star Wars Game Reveal at E3
It's the week before E3, and that means everyone's spreading whispers about what will be announced in the days to come. LucasArts, for its part, has decided to do things the official way by confirming what everyone was probably thinking anyway - that a new Star Wars game will be formally revealed at the trade show.

Spike TV's pre-E3 show will have the jump on the announcement. The show will be aired on Thursday, unveiling the game, before LucasArts releases further details and gameplay footage at the E3 show itself. Speculation is rife that the game will focus on the contemporary children's animation series, The Clone Wars.

Quite who will be partnered up with LucasArts to publish the game has yet to be disclosed - but given that Electronic Arts has pumped no less than HALF A BILLION DOLLARS into working with the company on The Old Republic (a gamble that has apparently has the publisher anxious), we'd be surprised if Riccitiello and co would want to get their fingers burned again.



EclipseSSD 28 May 2012 12:57
Battlefront III? I'd be very pleasantly surprised if it was.
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