Valve Blames Microsoft System for No Xbox 360 Freebies

Gabe Newell boss also states that episodic Half-Life not a mistake... 'Yet'

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Valve's Gabe Newell has been speaking about all things Valve - from Half-Life being 'reactionary', to piracy, to still no news for Half-Life 3. However, his most outstanding comment relates to console development and specifically how Microsoft's systems stop the release of free game elements.

When asked about console development he speaks out strongly:

"The coding part is a one-time fixed cost. The much larger problem is the restrictive nature of the customer relationship where the console owner won't let you try to discover the best value proposition for each customer.

"On the PC we've done 150+ updates for Team Fortress 2, while on the Xbox 360 we've done two. We have lots of content we'd like to give to our Xbox 360 customer for free which we are precluded from doing given the restrictions under which we have to operate."

Gabe also restates his view, reported in October, that "Piracy is almost always a service problem and not a pricing problem".

The full interview with the Cambridge Student Online is here.


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