Valve's Free-to-Play Games Coming to Steam

Micro-transactions galore

Posted by Staff
Valve's Free-to-Play Games Coming to Steam
With Steam already kicking off its Micro-transactional or 'free-to-play' line up of games including Champions Online, Spiral Knights and Alliance of Valiant Arms it wasn't going to be long until parent company Valve owned up to developing its own Free-to-Play.

Steam's F2P system enables Valve to take a cut from all DLC, for example, or other micro-transactions that are sold on from its system.

According to marketing lead, Doug Lombardi, "In some areas of the world, F2P games are already paying more than the traditional games.This trend continues for some time and we believe it will continue.There are other F2P Steam coming in with the use of micro-transactions."

So, French site Barredevie asked Doug if we would be seeing actual Valve-developed titles going F2P.

"Yes" responded the ever vocal Mr Lombardi.


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