Ninja Gaiden 3: "Is About Violence"

Not gore, stupid

Posted by Staff
Ninja Gaiden 3: "Is About Violence"
Prepare to be shocked! Ninja Gaiden 3 - the one with the DLC - is not about clouds or flowers or kittens, it's about violence.

There is also a finer distinction between the next Team Ninja title and the previous one according to producer Yosuke Hayashi:

"To us, there's a difference between gore and violence," how exactly you get the gore without the violence isn't made clear. However, Mr Hayashi continues his theme anyway.

"Ninja Gaiden 2 was about gore. Ninja Gaiden 3 is about violence ... that feeling of cutting into bone, actually killing a person. When you cut off an arm, it just becomes an object. Ryu is fighting humans, not monsters, and we want you to feel that."

Still, no kittens.

Source: Destructoid.


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