Last Xbox Founder Leaves Microsoft

Seeks new opportunities.

Posted by Staff
Last Xbox Founder Leaves Microsoft
The last of the original founders of the Xbox console has handed in his resignation to Microsoft. Otto Berkes follows Ted Hase, Kevin Bachus and Seamus Blackey in leaving the software and hardware company for pastures new.

It's unlikely to be a significant blow to the Xbox team - Berkes had been working on other projects since the original console made its debut, including the ill-fated Microsoft Courer tablet with former Xbox figurehead J. Allard - but it's still an incredibly sad loss.

Don't feel bad for Berkes though - despite being on Bing detail until his departure, he remains upbeat about his time at the company and his future plans. "It's a good time for me to make a transition to a different set of challenges and something new and fresh," he told the Seattle Times.

"No regrets, but it's time to move on for me. I'm very proud of what I was able to accomplish here."


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