PS3 Overtakes Xbox 360 in Europe

The US now Microsoft's sole stronghold.

Posted by Staff
PS3 Overtakes Xbox 360 in Europe
The PlayStation 3's install base has just surpassed that of the Xbox 360 in Europe, beating Microsoft's console to second place behind the Wii.

This is according to GameStop, citing a report from research firm IDG. The paper says that the PS3 currently has an install base of 14.7 million units on European shores, compared to the Xbox 360's 13.7 million. The Wii is still king of the pack with 24.9 million units in homes.

GameStop compared this number to that in the US, using NPD's most recent figures - 15.4 million PS3s compared to 25.4 million Xbox 360s. Again, the Wii has an install base of 34.2 million in the country, slapping both Sony and Microsoft's asses down.

Total video game hardware in Europe - including console and handheld - is around the 153 million unit mark, with 114 million of those attributed to current-generation platforms. In the US, total install base is 249 million units, with 141 million current-gen devices included in that figure.

Source: Gamasutra


deleted 1 Apr 2011 13:02
I suspect Sony took over a long time ago, those figures don't take into account everything, things like banned console owners buying another, so the user base of PS3 owners I imagine is larger on the whole than 360 users.
John 2 Apr 2011 00:07
well done sony. i knew this day would come. its about time. ;)
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Rocstarrlyfe 2 Apr 2011 07:04
The US won't be Microsoft's stronghold for long. I'm on my third Xbox and it's crashing. I don't understand how Microsoft makes so much profit and they still release this garbage product that goes kaputt some months after purchase. I'm done with Microsoft after this. The only thing keeping me on Xbox are my friends I play with. But, even that's done.
gingineer 2 Apr 2011 08:55
Just think what cross game chat on the PS3 and a better online multiplayer experience would do to sales! Could MS kenect be the downfall of the xbox as it becomes another casual platform?
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