DC Universe Online Dated, Priced

Stern-looking heroes and creepy-looking villains do battle!

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DC Universe Online Dated, Priced
The PlayStation 3's very first MMO, DC Universe Online, has just gone gold - meaning you'll be able to get your virtual spandex on very soon. Sony Online Entertainment has just announced a 14th January release date for the UK.

You'll get a 30-day subscription key with the purchase of the game, but as with any MMO you're going to have to cough up some dough if you want to keep playing hero (or villain). A month's play is €12.99 (around £11 according to our conversion, but hopefully it'll hit the £9.99 sweet spot instead), with three months costing €34.99 (~£30) and a six month subscription €64.99 (~£55).

PC players will also get the option to sign up for a 12-month subscription at €124.99 (~£107) and a lifetime subscription for €179.99 (~£152).

For your money, SOE is planning to update the game every month with new episodes featuring iconic DC characters. Every three months, there'll be new "instances" and major in-game events. Sound like a good buy? Watch the newly released trailer below to make your mind up.



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