Portal 2 Delay Spun Valve Style

It's still delayed though

Posted by Staff
Portal 2 Delay Spun Valve Style
If you're going to delay a game - a game that everybody with a soul is looking forward to - then there are two ways of doing it. The "we're making it all we can be" aka, 'faceless coporate hogwash' or the Valve way.

This is how Valve does it.

"Valve today announced that Portal 2 -- the sequel to the ground-breaking title that won over 30 game of the year awards, despite missing its original ship date -- will now be available the week of April 18th, 2011.

"This two month slip not only marks the shortest delay in Valve's proud tradition of delays, it represents the approaching convergence of Valve Time and Real Time. Though this convergence spells doom for humanity, it will not affect the new Portal 2 release date. "

All very, amusing and, no, it doesn't mean Realtime Worlds. But the game is still delayed though!


irritant 19 Nov 2010 10:33
Game delays always make me happy. It either means that they've realised that the game isn't much fun and are working to improve it, or they have found major issues and are looking to fix them (rather than just shipping on a pre-determined unrealistic date and letting the paying public be the QA department) or that they simply haven't had time to put all the content they wanted to into the game.

Neither of these situations are bad for the public.
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