Another MP Shows Video Games Support

Bizarre Creations and Playbox mentioned in Parliament

Posted by Staff
Ms Luciana Berger MP
Ms Luciana Berger MP
It's time to welcome another Member of Parliament who appears to realise that we live in a globalised world... in the 21st century, and so supports video games. Applause please for Ms Luciana Berger MP (Liverpool, Wavertree, Labour).

Speaking in Parliament yesterday, the Liverpool MP stated:

"There have been a number of short-sighted cuts, particularly the decision not to introduce a tax relief for the video games industry. In 2009, the industry brought approximately £1 billion to the UK's gross domestic product...

"...and in my constituency and across Liverpool there are a number of video games developers including Genemation, Bizarre Creations, Magenta Software and Playbox. Sony Computer Entertainment, based at Wavertree technology park, employs more than 600 people, and introducing a games tax relief would protect and increase a figure of £415 million in new and saved tax receipts for the Treasury, far outweighing the £192 million that the relief would cost.

"Can the Deputy Leader of the House explain why the Red Book highlighted only the cost of the tax relief and not the net benefit?"

Source: Theyworkforyou


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