Poor old Hideo Kojima. He's got a few ideas in his head about where the Metal Gear Solid franchise should go, but he can't do them because of those damnable gamer people.
Asked in an interview with PlayStation Blog about the possibility of an MGS prequel exploring the early days of the characters and game world, Kojima said, "Of course, I think about that all the time. Like, for instance, one example is maybe the Boss could be the main character, or even kind of a side-story where Snake was fighting in an area but another aspect of that... a title based on another aspect.
"However, I do understand that a lot of the users want to play Snake in Metal Gear Solid, therefore I don't think it's really possible. But I do really imagine and think about this all the time."
Damn dirty fans!
There was kinda sorta good news for Zone of Enders fans. It goes like this: "A lot of the users send us a lot of love letters about Zone of the Enders especially. Actually, we do love the title as well, at Kojima Productions, and we always want to create on the next gen, as well.
"However, Kojima Productions has a long list of things that we want to bring out and of course Zone of Enders is on the top of the list, however we have to manage with staffing, we have to work around the projects. Therefore, it's not going to be out too soon, but we are really considering about it."
Also, Kojima's not so worried about handing along the MGS baton when he leaves the seires. "If I pass on to my young staffs I think there will be only a new Metal Gear with their new thinking and new involvement... I'm looking forward to what my younger staffs will create - a new kind of world or colour to the MGS franchise, so I'm not really worried at all, actually."
There's plenty more in that interview about co-op in the upcoming PSP MGS title, Peace Walker.
mgs franchise should go on sumthing new.and this is coming to Rising.
Kiro15 Oct 2009 11:40
Yeah but Rising is only about what Raiden does after Number 2 and that isn't a great deal, so what would they make after that? Meryl's story? Colonel Campbells story? In a way the main storyline was built in such a way that its next to impossible to cram more stuff in it, which is a good thing because the storyline won't be ruined
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