‘Minister For Games’ is how ELSPA’s Andy Payne introduced MP Margaret Hodge to the ELSPA Annual General Meeting this week, with Ms Hodge informing the great and the good at our industry’s trade body that tax incentives for the UK games industry are highly unlikely.
Ms Hodge also made a few more positive noises though, telling ELSPA that, “You are top of the league when it comes to our creative industries, bigger than film or music… You have important social and economic challenges with no easy answers, but the Government now recognises the importance of your business.”
Perfect politicking there Ms Hodge – state an obvious and well-known fact to make your audience feel good about themselves and then follow it up with a dull, meaning-free platitude. Well done!
So what do we do about the Keith Vazes and Boris Johnsons – and the many other MPs at Westminster who not only don’t ‘understand’ games and gaming culture, but are vehemently opposed to it? What do we do about the sensationalist red top tabloids that continue to run sensationalist moral panic-type stories, wrongly blaming many of society’s problems on games?
“To deal with other negative MPs, I suggest you set up an all-party group. Find some MPs who understand your business. Get them on board and working for you within Westminster.
“And to ensure a sensible discussion about social responsibilities, I would also encourage you to get closer to the children’s charities.
“But as for criticism from the media, well don’t be so surprised. You’re a competitor of theirs aren’t you?”
SPOnG hopes that ELSPA will fully engage with Ms Hodge's one practical and sensible piece of advice above and push to set up a pro-games industry all-party group within Westminster.
this way to see the video of Hodge’s address to the ELSPA AGM.
Source: MCV