WWF Smackdown publisher and official license monster THQ is the most successful publicly traded company in the States.
Beating off strong competition, THQ has risen from commercial mediocrity to become a powerhouse in global games publishing in recent years.
THQ’s strategy is tried and tested to succeed. Work out the amount of people interested in a certain license. Then, find out the number of them to own a console. Then work out the amount of those people who would shell out cash for the game. Then go acquire the license. Simple.
WWF Smackdown has become one of the most successful games of all time and next generation sequels are planned.
Brian Farrell, president and CEO of THQ, said, "We are extremely proud of our accomplishments in light of a difficult market environment. Our strategy of harvesting the existing platforms while establishing a leadership position on the new platforms is serving us well. We continue to look forward to a strong second half of 2001 as the installed base of PlayStation 2 rises, Microsoft launches Xbox, and Nintendo launches Game Boy Advance and GameCube. We plan to release 25 new titles for these advanced platforms throughout 2001," he said. "In addition, during the year we expect to launch six new Hot Wheels and Matchbox adventures based on our new publishing agreement with Mattel. We plan to leverage our growing capabilities by launching several new THQ franchise brands during 2001, including Tetris, Sponge Bob, and Rocket Power to supplement our established franchises”