Infinium Labs Corporation was formed in October 2002 as a global entertainment/gaming company. Infinium Labs' mission is to market a gaming console and delivery system that will be the performance leader in the game playing entertainment industry. The company will market a robust game console that will appeal to a wide audience with its ease of use, quality assurance and robust delivery system.
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Hell hath no fury like a webmaster scorned.
15 Jun 2004
Phantom console to be unveiled at E3 - new images unveiled
10 May 2004
Its like the movie Ransom, only about games and whatnot.
29 Mar 2004
Everything you wanted to know about the machine that might conquer vapourware assault.
16 Feb 2004
Phantom specs unveiled.
19 Aug 2003
Infinium Labs will not go away.
23 Jun 2003