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1. Halo 3 Hands On And Q&A
Phil Spencer asks: Who doesn't want to Master Chief?
2. Rhianna Pratchett, Overlord II Screen Writer
The write stuff
3. UK Developer Mick Stockton
PDC Darts, Newcastle and Viking Funerals
4. Opoona Developers
All Star Challenge!
5. Crysis: Spinning The Story Further
Designer Alex Werner chats about influences and future of Crysis.
6. GameStarz: N-Dubz
You'd better not waste their time!
7. Trion Cube Designer: Kouji Asuna
Tetris for the 21st century
8. Space Giraffe Creator: Jeff Minter - Part 1
It is sort of the Anti-Tempest
9. Assassin's Creed Producer: Jade Raymond
It's the Third Crusade...
10. Geoff Thomas: Scarface On Nintendo Wii
The world is his!