Brand New Mass Effect Comic: Inquisition

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Brand New Mass Effect Comic: Inquisition
USA Today is carrying an exclusive Mass Effect story this week.

Coming in comics form in the paper, Mass Effect: Inquisition is an eight page yarn from Mac Walters, the chap who wrote the games and the first comic series. In Mac's very own words: "By and large this story is appealing to anyone who likes exploring the Mass Effect universe. It crosses over borders.

"One thing we've always been cognizant of is providing a view of this universe outside of (main character) Shepherd's vantage point — which is how you play the game. With Inquisition, you get to see that world through the eyes of a more blue-collar-type beat cop character named Captain Bailey."

Alas, for the moment at least there's no way to read Inquisition unless you can lay your mitts on the paper. The rest of us will, however, be able to get hold of new Mass Effect comics on January 19th next year when the new series, Evolution, kicks off.



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