No Bioware and Mythic Merger

Posted by Staff
No Bioware and Mythic Merger
Bioware's Dr Greg Zeschuk has explained the position of Mythic and Bioware following the announcement that Mythic's activities will be overseen by Bioware:

In an interview Christian Donlan asked Dr Zeschuk (he's a qualified medical doctor) about being a merged company, the good doctor replied:

"Oh no, there absolutely is still BioWare and Mythic, we're not merged at all. That's kind of how it all works. Ray and I, we've never operated by telling people what to do, that's one of the reasons why we have great games: we don't tell our team how to build Dragon Age. We say, "Here are the goals," and they go and figure out how they want it to work."

So, the merger that wasn't, isn't.


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