Next generation of N-Gage perspective issues

When boredom and PhotoShop collide…

Posted by Staff
We have often considered setting up given the impressive level of PhotoShop goodness we receive, much of which purports to be the latest leaked hardware image.

Given the N-Gage has fallen off the radar somewhat of late, it was refreshing to read various pieces of gossip pointing to ceased production of the ill-fated QD and upped development of a replacement platform.

So to the point, here’s the latest fake console to grace our inboxes. It carries the name Xen-Gage, which we kind of liked, and is perhaps the worst fake to crop up in some time. Stretch and skew training required.




NiktheGreek 2 Feb 2005 13:41
So then, the DS has games that look like N64 games with blockier textures. The PSP has games that look like earlier PS2 efforts. The next iteration of the N-Gage is running Doom 3 with what appears to be performance comparable to a top of the range PC, as well as a widescreen format that must be about or over 2:1.

I needed a laugh today!
tyrion 2 Feb 2005 13:51
I love it when I don't read news before it goes up! Then I get the full force of stuff like this. Can't stop sniggering!

This is where I mocked up a s**t console.
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