Emergency Mayhem Emerges

Set 999 to speed dial.

Posted by Staff
It's the bobbies, in Acclaim's wonderful Burnout 2 - will the force be with Emergency Mayhem?
It's the bobbies, in Acclaim's wonderful Burnout 2 - will the force be with Emergency Mayhem?
That's the number for the emergency services around here. Anyway, where were we? Ah yes, Acclaim’s Emergency Mayhem game for PS2 and Xbox has been one of the few titles to rescue E3 journalists from regurgitating somewhat obvious information about the content of various sequels and big name franchises. Not to say that the idea behind Emergency Mayhem isn’t a little bit obvious, but it’s a fresh title and it’s the first ever news about this game.

The backbone of Emergency Mayhem is formed by numerous driving sections. These will have you racing across town in an emergency vehicle to reach the victim of some horrific misfortune. Currently, the driving style has an arcade feel to it, more along the lines of 18 Wheeler than Gran Turismo. When you arrive at the location of the emergency call-out, a mini-game awaits. Depending on whether you’re in an ambulance, police car or fire engine, the mini-game will vary accordingly. Once you’ve unlocked enough of these mini-games, call up your emergency mates and instigate a ‘party’ a la Bishi Bashi.

Despite there being virtual lives at stake, EM’s mini-games takes a comedic slant on the idea and could therefore be a good giggle when it’s released early next year.


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