Nokia Pledges a Staggering 100 N-Gage Games in a Year!

Gaming drought over as massive slew of announcements looms.

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Nokia Pledges a Staggering 100 N-Gage Games in a Year!
Nokia will be releasing somewhere in the region of 100 games for N-Gage in the next twelve months, it was sensationally revealed today.

Company president Kari-Pekka Wilska made the astonishing claims at UBS's Eighth Annual Global Telecommunications Conference held in New York. “We are working really hard on these titles and having close to 100 titles within the next 12 months,” he said.

The incredible news cements claims made exclusively to us last week by Nokia’s head of marketing and business development, Ray Haddow, when he stated that Nokia has a colossal amount of software on the cards, but wasn’t ready to announce it.

“We don’t operate like most games companies,” said Haddow. “With practically everyone else, you’ll see a game announcement, followed months later by a prospective release date, that will then be missed. It’s like a race to announce the most. At Nokia, we like to do things differently. When a game is signed, and development time, realistic development time is calculated, then we’ll announce the game with a release date that we will keep. We have countless projects in development at present, and we are in discussion with companies about future software.”

Perhaps this is enough to ward off the vultures, though Nokia should get a wriggle on and announce some software of a calibre capable of shifting hardware.

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