Nokia: ‘N-Gage is selling well, honest!’ No figures released

Following a hammering at gaming retail, Finnish giant makes claims.

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Nokia: ‘N-Gage is selling well, honest!’ No figures released
Following one of the worst ever console launches in the history of videogames (through games retail outlets in any case) Nokia has declared the launch of the N-Gage a roaring success.

Despite shifting fewer than 500 units though games shops, Nokia states that the general reaction was “very positive.”

“Many outlets sold out of the device during the first day of release,” claimed Nokia chairman and CEO Jorma Ollila. “Following on from this, we are seeing strong order intake from distributors and retailers.”

However, no figures were released, a fact that has raised eyebrows across the gaming and cellular media.

It is thought that a company with the pure market clout of Nokia would be able to extract figures from retail outlets, at least to the extent where it becomes possible to closely estimate first day/week sales.

The fact that this information wasn’t in place to augment the company’s claims has made many doubt the validity of Nokia’s statement, a situation compounded by the disastrous reception at gaming retail.


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