Doomed N-Gage fails to ward off early vultures

Appalling launch in the hottest phone retail country on Earth.

Posted by Staff
Nokia's N-Gage has suffered shocking first week sales, seeing less than 500 launch units being sold across the United Kingdom, without question the most cellular-friendly country on the planet at this time, with an installed userbase and ongoing new product sales outstripping that of nearest rival Japan by 20%

The figures are taken from 6,000 UK games retailers.

Indeed, Chart Track figures released show perhaps the worst console launch in years, with the predictable apathy widely expected from gamers materialising. Not one game entered the UK top 40, though the Nokia charts sees Tomb Raider edge out Monkey Ball into second place. Sonic N, Pandemonium and Tony Hawk make up places three, four and five.

Feel the excitement!

Of course, these figures do not take into account mobile phone and electronics stores, though it is beyond belief that Nokia, having enjoyed a hugely successful launch at this level, would not be screaming it from the rooftops right now.

More N-Gage news as it breaks.


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