Video: The 5 Year Old Who Cracked Xbox Live Security

And his dad works in computer security

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Video: The 5 Year Old Who Cracked Xbox Live Security
Kristoffer Von Hassel not only has a quite unbelievably superb name, he's also five years old and he cracked Microsoft's Xbox Live password security.

Von Hassel Jr worked out that using spaces in a certain menu (see the video below - but the vulnerability has been patched now) could circumvent checks and balances and enable him to play games that, well, a 5-year old shouldn't.

Microsoft stated, "In a statement, Microsoft said, "We're always listening to our customers and thank them for bringing issues to our attention. We take security seriously at Xbox and fixed the issue as soon as we learned about it.

"Kristoffer will receive four games, $50 and a year-long subscription to Xbox Live from Microsoft. He also knows what he now wants to be when he grows up: a gamer. His dad is leaning toward something in computer security."



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