Microsoft: Forget Pixels and Polygon Counts

But Xbox One fully supports 1080p at 60 frames-per-second

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Microsoft: Forget Pixels and Polygon Counts
Pixels and polygon counts are old hat because of the Cloud - but, but, Xbox One fully supports 1080p at 60 frames-per-second! Both are statements made by Microsoft's Harvey Eagle today.

Harvey Eagle, Microsoft's head of marketing for the UK, was speaking following the price cut to the Xbox One that was announced to universal surprise and cynicism. He managed to make both statements as follows:

“Let’s be clear about this: Xbox One fully supports 1080p at 60 frames-per-second,” said Eagle. “Forza Motosport 5 is an example of a game that delivers on that. It’s up to individual developers to determine what is the best balance in order to deliver the best experience to gamers. No longer can you measure or talk about power in terms of pixels and polygon counts. Performance in this era comes from three areas: hardware, software and the cloud. "

You've got to wonder why, if you can, "No longer can you measure or talk about power in terms of pixels and polygon counts", he mentions power in terms of... pixels and fps.

Source: The Guardian



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