We're all aware of, and most of us have experienced by now the unending list of issues with Battlefield 4, right? Sucks doesn't it. To keep players up-to-date, DICE has given us a 'Top Issues Trackerr' on the game's official forum.It details the main
BF4 bugs, which platforms are affected and their status - Fixed. Fixing & Investigating. Some of the issues mentioned include rubber banding, crashing & UI/performance problems.
The developer said "We always work with trackers for our games internally which enables us to track and fix bugs as quickly as possible, we've never made it external before, but this seems like a great way to keep you constantly updated on how we’re progressing."
True as that may be, updates don't mean fixes...
It went on: "We're committed to fixing all issues in this tracker (and more.)"
What do you guys think? Are AAA bugs becoming too apparent and frequent? Are they to be expected? Let us know in the comments or over on
BF Forum