Pictured: Microsoft at gamescom 2014

Microsoft kicks of gamescom with FIFA, self-publishing and more

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Pictured: Microsoft at gamescom 2014
See that picture? That's Phil Harrison and Phil Spencer at Microsoft's gamescom 2014 keynote in which the FIFA 14 partnership with Xbox One is confirmed and Microsoft also plays up its self-publishing on Xbox One initiative.

"Xbox Independent Games program will have no Fees: no certification, no activation" that's one of the official statements on the aspect of Xbox One that we certainly think is most exciting. Yes, make your own games on the platform and publish them.

"Chris Charla is the new head of Xbox Independent Games program," is also announced. Oh, and aside from the indie stuff, there's also a new Fable game coming. WAKE UP!

[url=www.xbox.com/id]You can sign up for the indie game 'system' that Microsoft will be bringing into play right here and right now though.[/url]

On the FIFA 14 front, Microsoft has confirmed that if you pre-order an Xbox One... you get a free FIFA 14 in the form of a download code.


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