Xbox One Season Pass Guarantee Rolls Over 360 DLC

Battlefield 4 and Call of Duty: Ghosts involved

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Xbox One Season Pass Guarantee Rolls Over 360 DLC
Microsoft has introduced what it's calling the "Season Pass Guarantee" program.

The scheme will enable owners of a participating game on the Xbox 360 to carry over season pass content to the Xbox One. EA, Activision and Ubisoft were all named by Microsoft as participants in the scheme, while Battlefield 4 and Call of Duty: Ghosts were name-checked.

Microsoft said that further titles and publishers will be announced for the program in the coming months.

It only works if you actually own the game on both systems, of course, so quite how many gamers it will affect is unclear. Perhaps those in the eight territories that have to wait until 2014 for the Xbox One will be quite interested...

There's no official word on a similar scheme from Sony.


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