Remember that Kinect patent that locked users out of various content depending on what it sees? According to a new report, there is an intention to put that patent into action with the Xbox One.Last November,
a patent was filed by Microsoft called "Content Distribution Regulation by Viewing User." It was described as "a content presentation system and method allowing content providers to regulate the presentation of content on a per-user-view basis." Meaning that if a mate walked into your room whilst you were watching a film, a device could detect that a non-paying user had entered the vicinity and lock out the content.
According to MCV, various sources have "corroborated" the intention to use the patent within the next-generation Kinect. Editor Ben Parfitt confirmed that such sources had pointed to implementing the technology, rather than simply patenting it.
Take all this with a pinch of salt, of course. But also bear in mind that the old phrase, "where there smoke, there's fire" has been appropriate for most of the rumours that have been floating around regarding the Xbox One over the last few months.
MCV reported that Microsoft declined to comment on rumour and speculation.