Xbox One Marks End to Xbox Live Arcade

All games will be treated equal.

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Xbox One Marks End to Xbox Live Arcade
Xbox Live Arcade will soon be no more, according to Microsoft executive Phil Harrison. Instead, the Xbox One's Marketplace will include retail games, digitally distributed games and independent (if supported by a third party) games all under one category.

"In the past we had retail games which came on disc, we had Xbox Live Arcade and we had Indie Games, and they had their own discrete channels or discrete silos," he said in an interview with Eurogamer.

"With Xbox One and the new marketplace, they're games. We don't make a distinction between whether a game is a 50-hour RPG epic or whether it is a puzzle game or whether it is something that fits halfway between the two."

Discoverability of titles will now be based on player taste and friend recommendations, owing to the personalisation features of the cloud-connected Xbox One. And Harrison insisted that it will still periodically put a greater spotlight on smaller titles as and when it deems fit, just with the Xbox 360 Dashboard.


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