Microsoft Man Talks "New Xbox"

And we bet that he's now sobbing as he awaits human resources to call

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Brian Hall with gob in neutral.
Brian Hall with gob in neutral.
Brian Hall is "general manager, Windows Live Business Group, Microsoft Corp" so what comes next is either a controlled, media trained outing or a verbal cock-up. Either way Bri' has just mentioned 'The New Xbox' and Windows 8... together.

Mr Hall got onto the Verge vid cast and sounded very chummy and pally with the guys who were supposed to be doing some sort of analysis of his answers. They didn't he said this, all pally like:

“We’ve had Hotmail and operated Hotmail for about sixteen years, we obviously have Exchange, and Outlook, that people use at work. We just decided it was time to do something new and bring the best from each of those and put them together and release it right in time for the new wave of products that we could have coming out with Windows 8 with the new version of Office with the New Windows phone and the new Xbox.”

And yes, no one followed that up. Go figure.

That transcription comes via Wegotlife.

Hear it yourself below.



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