No Xbox 720 for E3 2012

Official word comes out of Microsoft ahead of E3

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No Xbox 720 for E3 2012
"No new Xbox hardware to be shown/discussed at E3 or `anytime soon,' Microsoft's David Dennis says." You don't get much more official than this from Microsoft's group product manager with Xbox.

The quote comes via Dina Bass, Bloomberg News Tech Reporter, but Bloomberg supports it, stating:

"The company may show the successor to its Xbox 360 in June 2013 at the E3 conference and put it on sale that same year, said the people, who declined to be named because the plans are confidential. David Dennis, a company spokesman, said earlier today that Microsoft won’t discuss new Xbox hardware at this year’s E3, quelling speculation that the device would be unveiled at the 2012 show."

Source: Bloomberg



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