Forget Kinect and Move - New Game Controller is Skin Stretcher

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Forget Kinect and Move - New Game Controller is Skin Stretcher
The University of Utah has prototyped a new kind of games controller and it wants to sell it to Microsoft. It could, from the look of the video, appeal to the kind of hardcore gamer who feels left out by motion controls like Kinect.

According to a report, "The University of Utah's latest prototype of a new kind of video game controller features typical thumb joysticks (white) but also has a round, red "tactor" in the center of each joystick to tug gently at the thumb tips. That kind of touch feedback is more advanced than existing games that vibrate the hands, and can simulate the tug of a fishing line, the feeling of ocean waves or the recoil of a gun."

Check out the video and tell us what you think in the Forum.

Source: PhysOrg


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