Fox News Doesn't Slam Xbox - Gets an App Instead

And Metro dashboard gets App usage up hugel

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Fox News' Bill O'Reilly - Fair and Balanced
Fox News' Bill O'Reilly - Fair and Balanced
Fox News - known for its love of video games is to join IGN on Xbox Live in a kind of massive, "They Report - They Decide" sort of a way.

Major Nelson - official Microsoft mouthpiece - is stepping up that announcement that:

"a new partnership with News Corporation, and will soon bring FOX broadcast programming, The Wall Street Journal, Fox News Channel and IGN to Xbox LIVE. News Corp. apps are scheduled to launch in 2012, so prepare to watch your favorite FOX shows, including “Family Guy,” “House,” “New Girl” and “Glee,” have access to Dow Jones Newswire and MarketWatch from The Wall Street Journal and enjoy game previews, reviews, gameplay videos from IGN, all on-demand."

So, not only will you get biased news reporting, you'll now get biased games previews and reviews because, let's face it, IGN and Mr Rupert Murdoch are not stupid enough to bite that hand that feeds it.

Also announced by the Major are some stats related to the new Metro Dashboard for the Xbox 360. Yes, it would seem that games have been relegated second-rate level of content, at least if the following are to be believed.

"The hours of video consumed globally on Xbox LIVE increased 140 percent from 2010 to 2011.
In December more than 60 percent of U.S. Xbox LIVE Gold members used entertainment apps on Xbox LIVE – for an average of an hour a day each.
The number of people using entertainment apps on Xbox LIVE increased by nearly 50 percent globally from November to December."

Source: Major Nelson


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