Amstrad poised on the verge of something big: Age-old hardware company aggressively buying up Spectrum titles

Spectrum games wanted

Posted by Staff
Amstrad poised on the verge of something big: Age-old hardware company aggressively buying up Spectrum titles
It would appear that Amstrad is seeking to buy the rights to Spectrum games. The company has placed an advert in the UK games industry press that reads:

"Do you own the copyright to any Spectrum games?

Amstrad (the owners of Sinclair and Spectrum IPR) are currently researching
an exciting new project, due to launch in 2002.

As part of this project, we are looking to identify developers / writers who
may own the copyright to any Spectrum games.

If you hold the copyright to any Spectrum games please email your details

Interesting stuff, eh? Why would Amstrad, (the owners of the Spectrum hardware rights) want to accumulate as many games that graced the Spectrum as possible?

Three theories have surfaced. One that Amstrad is going to release a “Best of Speccy” cartridge for a current platform, most likely Game Boy Advance. The machines’ carts would be capable of holding hundreds of Speccy games, but it is unlikely that the GBA has the grunt to emulate the Speccy well.

The second theory states that Amstrad, a hardware manufacturer by tradition, is poised to announce a new, dedicated piece of hardware. What form this would take is a little more difficult to assume, though a portable machine seems most likely.

The final school of thought is that Amstrad, a big supplier of set top boxes, is going to release a set-top box with a Java virtual machine, enabling users to download Speccy games from their cable or satellite provider.

Amstrad is remaining impressively tight-lipped about the situation, and has refused to answer any of our questions on the matter. The company tried to sneak the fact that it will be re-entering the games market past the general public, running only two quarter-page ads in the industry press.

Make no mistake, Amstrad re-entering the games industry is big news, especially in Europe, the heartland of 8-bit computer gaming and bedroom coding.

As soon as we can get Amstrad to break its silence, you will be the first to know.


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