Uncharted 3 Team: Brutal Crunchtime

Uncharted 3 development crunchier than usual

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Where is that bastard paycheck?
Where is that bastard paycheck?
Getting a major title - some might think a crucial title for the PS3 - like Uncharted 3 out before the likes of Battlefield 3 and Modern Warfare 3 eat up all the cash calls for some damned hard work and long crunch times. Even brutal crunch time.

According to cinematics animation lead Josh Scheer, "It was pretty brutal this time around. “I mean," he continued when speaking to GameTrailers, "there’s always crunch. There’re always people putting in extra hours. But this time around, just because of the scope and the ambition of the game – even after we had gone back and shortened some things, trimmed some other things – there was just still a lot to do, in the amount of time we had to do it.”

Game director Justin Richmond put the whole thing down to that fact that there were “more languages than we have ever done before, both spoken and text translation”.

So, just like Team Bondi then? Lots of harsh crunchtime? Nightmare conditions? Rebellion?

Nope, nothing like that at all.

Via Develop.


deleted 2 Nov 2011 11:19
ill never understand why competitors release these AAA titles in the same time frame, i mean look in the space of 30 days, we have

Rocksteady - Arkham City
Activsion - MW3
EA - Battlefield 3
Sony(naughty dog) - UC3
Nintendo - Zelda & Mario 3DS & Mario Kart 7
Bethesda - Skyrim
Sega - Sonic Generations
Violition/THQ - Saints Row: The Third

surly someone must think hold on i know its the holidays (christmas!!!) and sales are good but we are competiting with all these titles why dont we release in a dry period? would they get more sales? i cant afford all of them but i want them all, and ill buy them all but most at a later date and usually cheaper.. if they were released more throughout the year id buy all at launch price,

Arkham City + MW3 + Zelda + Mario 3DS & Mario Kart + Sonic Generations this year the rest ill pick up at a later date.
DrkStr 2 Nov 2011 13:18
Welcome to Q4! It has always been thus.
Jimmer 3 Nov 2011 10:07
The true horror will only emerge after they "release" a bunch of the people who worked so hard to get the game out...
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