Portal Free To Educators (And Everyone Else Too)

Puzzling Portals for absolutely nothing? Bargain!

Posted by Staff
Orange one here, blue one there. Gold star, little Johnny!
Orange one here, blue one there. Gold star, little Johnny!
Surely by now everyone has played the original Portal, but it's always worth honing your skills again once in a while. Steam users can now get the classic physical puzzle extravaganza for absolutely nothing until September 20th thanks to Valve's latest initiative called Learn With Portals.

In a bid to get children interested in science and maths (as well as garner themselves a nice little chunk of publicity), Valve are promoting the use of the Portal games in the classroom by "innovative educators". While most teachers will laugh at this concept, others will invariably see the merits; simple physics, problem solving and co-ordination are all promoted in the game.

The use of gaming in learning environments is on the rise though and it's great to see companies getting involved. Sure, it may well just be shameless promotion on their part, but by getting children playing games that involve the use of critical thinking they will stay engaged and hopefully become more interested in the geekier side of education.

Of course, you don't have to worry about the why, you just need to know that Portal is free right now. Go and get it!

Source: Learn With Portals



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