Mass Effect 3's FemShep Revealed


Posted by Staff
Mass Effect 3's FemShep Revealed
BioWare has called an end to the 'FemShep' contest, and a winner has emerged from the fans' fervent polling - a redheaded female Commander Shepard will be the one to grace the cover of Mass Effect 3 Collector's Edition when it hits store shelves.

The result followed several rounds of virtual meat-grading on the studio's Facebook page, where fans (largely male, we'd wager) were invited to vote for their favourite gal out of an original selection of five. Apparently the redhead earned 19,576 votes, nearly quadruple the number polled for the blonde version, which was second in the running. We're sure it was all about her personality.

FemShep voice actress Jennifer Hale hosted the official reveal on BioWare's TV channel.


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