More Ire Rises on the Team Bondi Bitch Slap

Anonymous: Rockstar Ditching Team Bondi's Next Game

Posted by Staff
More Ire Rises on the Team Bondi Bitch Slap
Every company has employees who don't see eye to eye with management; and clients who don't share the same ethics as suppliers. It seems from a recent report that Team Bondi - producers of L.A. Noire - that this situation descended into distress, anger and open dissent.

Following an IGN report by Andrew McMillen that laid out comments from Team Bondi staff - and a response from TB head, Brendan McNamara - McMillen has followed up with more excoriating insight from insiders at the Australian team.

Explosive but anonymous comments used by McMillen in the new story include, "When Brendan came on board, it became clear that he was a huge bully with no talent, vision or management skill. But he really knew how to intimidate."

The story also quotes another anonymous source as stating, "I've heard a lot about Rockstar's disdain for Team Bondi, and it has been made quite clear that they will not publish Team Bondi's next game.

"Team Bondi are trying to find another publisher for their next title, but the relationship with Rockstar has been badly damaged - Brendan treats L.A. Noire like a success due to his vision but I think Rockstar are the ones who saved the project. They continued to sink money into LA Noire, and their marketing was fantastic. Without their continued support, Team Bondi would have gone under several years ago."

Two things are clear from this report.

First, if Team Bondi's working conditions and management were indeed in the despicable state that the report and the anonymous sources claim, then something needs to be done in Australian games development over near the beach.

Second, if true - and the sources still require anonymity despite the truth of their claims in order to get more work - then something needs to be done about the state of games development as a whole.

Of course, this could simply be a case of anonymous and disgruntled sources rocking the Team Bondi boat.

One final thought at a tangent: why did IGN not pick this follow-up article? Why was it left to GI.Biz?



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